Thursday, September 25, 2008

What are my Moral Values

I happened to fill in a Moral Foundation Questionnaire which meausres the 5 psychological foundations of morality that seemed to find across cultures. They are as follows:

1. Harm / Care for people/environment/animal

2. Fairness & Reciprocity (including issues of rights)

3. Loyalty

4. Authority / Respect

5. Purity / Sanctity

The first two foundations (Care & Fairness) are about how you treat others. The last three indicate how do you behave in a group. Generally, the liberals scores higher on the first two and conservatives score more on the last three.

I found out that i am conservative on three scales namely Fairness, Respect for Authority and Purity. However, i am in between liberals and conservatives when it comes to Care and Loyalty.

I rate respect to authority and care for others as the highest moral traits with a score of 3.3 and 3.2 respectively. Fairness and Purity are rated next at 3.0 each. Loyalty is rated the least at 2.5.

I suggest you try as well, its pretty close to reality. You can access it by clicking on the following:

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